A Subtle and Simple Way to Make your Kitchen REALLY Stand Out- Appliance Panels

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jun 27, 2014 4:30:00 PM

Most people are looking for that extra little effect that will “knock your socks of” in their kitchen remodel. Hiding appliances through the use of appliance panels, appliance garages, or built-ins may be just what you’re looking for to create a kitchen free of clutter and one everyone will admire.


Over the years the use and function of kitchens has changed. Kitchens have become an extension of our living areas.   With this in mind more and more homeowners are choosing appliance panels and other options for a more inviting and polished look. Kitchens are becoming a part of our living and entertainment space and some appliances can interrupt that flow.

No one wants a kitchen where the appliances jump out at you and scream, “Here I am!” unless you have that amazing “Rolls Royce” of an appliance, which most people can’t afford. Nor do they want the distraction of clutter and unnecessary stuff on their countertops. By choosing to use appliance panels or other methods your appliances can intermingle with your kitchen cabinets and living space and can bring a sense of “ooh, ah” and elegance without a lot of effort.


Topics: Tips and Advice, Cabinetry, Chicagoland, Appliances

More Homeowners Deciding to Stay and remodel in Lieu of Moving

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jun 26, 2014 4:30:00 PM

Brakur_Remodel_instead_of_movingEvery homeowner comes to the point where they ask themselves, “Should I stay or should I move?”  Moving can be very costly and expensive, but then again so can remodeling.  How can the consumer know which is best?  Fortunately a recent Houzz study predicts it will be more beneficial to stay and remodel than it will be to move in 2014.  

More than 50 percent of those surveyed have chosen to increase the value of their home by remodeling in the next 1-2 years.  In fact more homeowners over the age of 35 are opting to stay long term.  This age group is less likely to face life-changing events that would cause them to move.  They have also found that they can’t replace what they have and it just doesn’t make good “common sense”.


Topics: Kitchen Remodeling, Remodel Budget, Chicagoland

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Located in Shorewood, Il, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Inc. has been providing high quality locally manufactured cabinetry since 1965. Brakur is the largest manufacturer of custom cabinetry in Northern Illinois with a 100,000 plus square foot, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and more than 80 employees.

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