Selecting the Perfect Hardware for your Cabinets

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jun 30, 2014 4:30:00 PM

People underestimate how cabinet knobs and pulls can affect not only the look Decorative_hardwareand feel of their kitchen, but how well they function in their kitchen.  They are the one item we put in our kitchen and bathrooms that can either add the perfect finishing touch or in some cases distract from the look we are going for.


Topics: Tips and Advice, Cabinetry, Chicagoland, Hardware

A Subtle and Simple Way to Make your Kitchen REALLY Stand Out- Appliance Panels

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jun 27, 2014 4:30:00 PM

Most people are looking for that extra little effect that will “knock your socks of” in their kitchen remodel. Hiding appliances through the use of appliance panels, appliance garages, or built-ins may be just what you’re looking for to create a kitchen free of clutter and one everyone will admire.


Over the years the use and function of kitchens has changed. Kitchens have become an extension of our living areas.   With this in mind more and more homeowners are choosing appliance panels and other options for a more inviting and polished look. Kitchens are becoming a part of our living and entertainment space and some appliances can interrupt that flow.

No one wants a kitchen where the appliances jump out at you and scream, “Here I am!” unless you have that amazing “Rolls Royce” of an appliance, which most people can’t afford. Nor do they want the distraction of clutter and unnecessary stuff on their countertops. By choosing to use appliance panels or other methods your appliances can intermingle with your kitchen cabinets and living space and can bring a sense of “ooh, ah” and elegance without a lot of effort.


Topics: Tips and Advice, Cabinetry, Chicagoland, Appliances

More Homeowners Deciding to Stay and remodel in Lieu of Moving

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jun 26, 2014 4:30:00 PM

Brakur_Remodel_instead_of_movingEvery homeowner comes to the point where they ask themselves, “Should I stay or should I move?”  Moving can be very costly and expensive, but then again so can remodeling.  How can the consumer know which is best?  Fortunately a recent Houzz study predicts it will be more beneficial to stay and remodel than it will be to move in 2014.  

More than 50 percent of those surveyed have chosen to increase the value of their home by remodeling in the next 1-2 years.  In fact more homeowners over the age of 35 are opting to stay long term.  This age group is less likely to face life-changing events that would cause them to move.  They have also found that they can’t replace what they have and it just doesn’t make good “common sense”.


Topics: Kitchen Remodeling, Remodel Budget, Chicagoland

The Overlooked Results of a Kitchen Remodel

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jun 20, 2014 4:30:00 PM

While kitchen and bath remodels are more work than most of us like to admit, there is one thing we forget and that is the happiness and sense of contentment that comes when it is finished.

Family_Cooking_in_KitchenThose who take on the task of a kitchen remodel experience many unexpected positive outcomes. 

Suddenly they are faced with a new exciting kitchen that better meets the needs of their household, and it becomes a new hangout for those who come to visit.

As a bonus it becomes a refuge for family and friends, and everyone seems to be a lot happier because of the new environment in the home.


Topics: Cabinetry, Kitchen Remodeling

Is it Better to Buy Cabinets from a Dealer or Manufacturer?

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jun 20, 2014 9:00:00 AM

Fotolia_8584854_XSMany consumers wish they could buy cabinets directly from a manufacturer, instead of being forced to buy from a cabinet dealer. There are many reasons builders, contractors, and homeowners feel like they would do better by buying “direct”. In the typical market consumers may not have that option.

In the Chicagoland area consumers have a few choices.


Topics: Tips and Advice, Cabinetry, Kitchen Remodeling

Something to Remember so you Don't Regret Your Kitchen Remodel

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jun 12, 2014 1:33:00 PM

Experience has shown us over and over that many people go into their new kitchen or remodel in the Chicagoland area with tunnel vision – mainly focused on their budget.

Kitchen remodel in Chicagoland

Many times this single focus leads to them to NOT look into options we KNOW they would want to do. Even to where they would give up something else in order to make the budget work. But the budget ends up ruling the day and they go down a limited road.

Kitchen and bath industry studies have shown that over 1/3 of homeowners, after their project is complete, wish they had done more and regret that they didn’t. Whether it’s better quality cabinets, more organization and accessories inside of them, or a higher grade of countertops, whatever. It’s a sad feeling to have after spending a chunk of your life for something you and your family should enjoy for years.


Topics: Cabinetry, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodel Budget

Kitchen Trend Studies Help You Understand What's in Demand

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jun 11, 2014 8:51:00 PM

It’s not difficult to keep up with what the trends are in kitchens. There are typically many annual studies that boil it down for us to help us stay up to

The reason you will want to keep up with them if you’re thinking about remodeling is that you’ll want to know what’s HOT and what’s NOT. ESPECIALLY if you’re remodeling to sell at some point in the near future. 

Here we give you the highlights and more...


Topics: Tips and Advice, Cabinetry, Kitchen Remodeling

Why Right Now is the Best Time to Remodel Your Kitchen

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jun 6, 2014 10:11:00 AM

Have you had multiple thoughts or discussions about whether or not you should do a kitchen remodel in the Chicagoland area? If the answer is yes, have you had the thought of when you should do it?


There are many reasons today is the best time, but on top of those reasons is the fact that time is running out on most of the incentives that make it such a great time to remodel.

From market dynamics like the economic downturn and low interest rates making remodeling less expensive, to manufacturer incentives that will not last much longer, to the fact that cabinet companies are beginning to get MUCH busier, everything points to an urgency to remodel now. The "best time" won't last much longer.


Topics: Cabinetry, Kitchen Remodeling, Remodel Budget

Understanding Differences in Wood Species

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jun 3, 2014 9:30:00 AM

Next time you walk into any house, take this challenge and see how long it takes you to find wood somewhere.

If it takes you longer than 3 seconds you must be in a grass hut or cement shack. Wood is so widely used in construction and decorating today that it’s part of basically every room. 


From flooring, to furniture to cabinets and countertops to the swing set the kids play on out back.

There’s a reason for that. Wood is one of the most versatile, reliable, affordable AND beautiful materials available. The trick is that so many types of wood are available today that sometimes it feels like you need to take a college course to understand them.

No worries…we’re here to help you.

Our wood species guide will help you understand the differences in all the woods that are offered. You’ll learn differences in look, color, durability, grain pattern and then some. You’re bound to find the one you’ll love and want in your home. If you want an education in-person, come visit out showroom and see them for yourself.


Topics: Cabinetry

Open Concept - Not For Everyone

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

May 25, 2014 9:34:00 AM

semi-open-kitchenIn our previous post, we talked about many benefits to having an open concept kitchen – from a flowing design to a more social space. While open concept designs are quite popular, there are still many homeowners who aren’t as keen on giving up some of the benefits a closed kitchen offers…such as:

  • The hidden mess – Where can you hide your dirty dishes in an open kitchen?
  • More controlled aromas and noises – Although ventilation hoods can do a great job of eliminating smoke and odors, closed kitchens can also help keep them from traveling to other rooms. Closed kitchens can also help keep distracting noises to a minimum (i.e. putting away the silverware, juggling pots and pans, etc.)
  • The element of surprise – Keep your masterpiece meals a surprise until you’re ready to plate and serve. This is harder to do in an open concept kitchen.
  • More room for artwork – When the walls come down, where will you hang your favorite paintings?

Topics: Layout

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Located in Shorewood, Il, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Inc. has been providing high quality locally manufactured cabinetry since 1965. Brakur is the largest manufacturer of custom cabinetry in Northern Illinois with a 100,000 plus square foot, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and more than 80 employees.

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