The eclectic kitchen is perfect for the person who really can’t make up their mind about what kitchen style they want. It has a little bit of everything from each of the different kitchen styles. You can pick and choose what your favorite is from each. This is not a style for the person who likes things to match. Eclectic kitchens can include mismatched colors, textures, and patterns.
Tips and Advice,
Chicagoland Kitchen Remodel,
Kitchen Styles
White kitchens are definitely in and something many people want to include in their kitchen remodel. They are versatile and never seem to go out of style. They add light to the room and can make a small kitchen look larger than it really is.
Tips and Advice,
Kitchen Remodel,
Custom Cabinetry
As the size of the laundry room has changed so has how we use them. Laundry rooms in most new homes are not only larger but are also used for more than just washing clothes. Today some laundry rooms resemble more of a small kitchen. They are always being used and not something that is hidden behind a closet door anymore. Designers have learned what people want and worked to make them more functional and efficient.
Tips and Advice,
Custom Cabinetry,
Laundry Room Remodel
Who doesn’t love a good cup of coffee or a gourmet hot cocoa? Many of us spend a lot of time and money relaxing in our favorite coffee shop enjoying that coffee or hot cocoa. While the coffee does taste good for many of us it is more than that. It is the atmosphere that makes that coffee that much more enjoyable to enjoy and relax or just chat with friends.
Tips and Advice,
Cafe Style,
Chicagoland Kitchen Remodel
It’s hard to believe that the holidays are upon us. Many of us have our Christmas trees up or Menorahs out. Our living room mantles are decorated with garland and the stockings are hung. There are so many things to do and so many opportunities to decorate. There is a lot of pride when it comes to home ownership. The holidays are a chance to show off that newly remodeled kitchen and your favorite features of your home.
Tips and Advice,
Custom Kitchen,
Have you ever wondered if your kitchen is
working against you when it comes to your waistline? Brian Wansing and eating behavior expert suggests that there are some ways to design your kitchen that will help you lose weight. The environment and design of your kitchen can actually help promote a healthier lifestyle so you are not left to your own willpower.
Tips and Advice,
Custom Kitchen,
Chicago Area
Most people will tell you to design a kitchen
for you and not the future homebuyer. While this is true in part you do need to consider how that kitchen will affect your resale value. We aren’t always planning on moving but unexpected things happen in life. Not everyone wants purple painted cabinets in their kitchen even if it is your favorite color.
Tips and Advice,
Kitchen Remodel,
Chicago Area
"Over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go…" For many of us grandma isn’t so close anymore, but for others maybe she lives with you? The memories as a young child going to this amazing feast without even lifting a finger are in days gone past. For most of us family and friends will be spending time at our homes enjoying a not so effortless feast.
Tips and Advice,
Custom Kitchen,
It doesn’t matter how comfortable the rest of the house is, people always tend to gravitate toward the kitchen. It could be kids working on a school project, friends hanging out and playing a game, or the aroma of those yummy chocolate chip cookies they can smell coming from the oven pulling them in.
Tips and Advice,
Design Trends,
Custom Kitchen
There comes a point in your life when you start think my kitchen needs something more. Maybe the hardware is looking warn or you backsplash is looking a little dated. Or your cabinets are stuffed to the rafters and every time you open one you have to go digging for what you need. We all know the kitchen is the heart of most homes and some of us have just lost that loving feeling and dread walking in there.
Tips and Advice,
Kitchen Remodel