Design Tips for Your Kitchen Pantry

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Aug 26, 2015 4:00:00 PM

brakur_pantry_tipsMost kitchen homeowners have a kitchen pantry or plan to have one if they are building a new home or remodeling their kitchen.  While some may have the luxury of a walk in pantry there is also the option of a pantry cabinet if there is not one.


Topics: Tips and Advice, Chicagoland Kitchen Remodel, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Custom Kitchen Pantry

Countertop Options for Your Chicagoland Custom Bathroom

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Aug 21, 2015 3:30:00 PM

brakur_bathroom_countertopsAccording to a recent consumer report some of the most beautiful bathroom countertops are the most practical.  Many top performing materials like quartz are also less maintenance.  This is great news for homeowners because you don’t have to sacrifice quality for style.  


Topics: Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Countertop Materials, Bathroom Sinks, Chicagoland Custom Bathroom Remodel

Designing Your Chicagoland Custom Kitchen Remodel for Entertaining

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Aug 19, 2015 4:30:00 PM

brakur_kitchens_for_entertainingThe kitchens in our homes today are no longer tucked away and just a place to prepare food. Many of today’s kitchens have become an extension of our living area and are used for everything from paying bills to entertaining our guests. We have seen a lot of changes in kitchen design that make it easier to entertain in the kitchen. There are a variety of specialty features and layouts that will allow you to interact with your guests more freely.  It is not unusual for people to congregate in the kitchen no matter the size of your house.


Topics: Chicagoland Kitchen Remodel, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Kitchen Design Ideas, Kitchens for Entertaining

Creative Kitchen Design Ideas for Your Custom Kitchen Remodel

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Aug 14, 2015 12:30:00 PM

brakur_creative_kitchen_ideas_2Let’s face it. The kitchen is where we spend most of our time in the house and where a lot of the conversation and entertainment takes place. Working with a custom cabinet company you have a lot more flexibility when it comes to kitchen design and including unique and different design ideas.  Why not make your kitchen part of your conversation piece? We thought we would share a few of our favorite design ideas that can give your kitchen a “Wow” factor.


Topics: Chicagoland Kitchen Remodel, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Kitchen Design Ideas, Custom Kitchen Remodel

Bathroom Remodel Mistakes to Avoid

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Aug 12, 2015 2:30:00 PM

brakur_bathroom_remodel_mistakesThere are lot of different trends and amazing things you can do in your custom bathroom remodel.  Many of those new upgrades will bring you enjoyment for years and make it all worth that money spent. However there are some things that will leave you regretting that remodel and wishing you knew a few things ahead of time. A recent consumer report recommended the dos and don’ts of a bathroom remodel.


Topics: Tips and Advice, Custom Bathroom Remodel, Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Where to Put the Microwave in Your Custom Kitchen Remodel

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Aug 7, 2015 1:30:00 PM

Brakur_where_to_put_the_microwaveGone are the days where the microwave sits on the corner of the counter and takes up space.  In today’s kitchens there are a collection of different places and locations that you can incorporate the microwave into your kitchen design.  Microwaves have become a way of life and the last thing we want is them taking up valuable workspace and cluttering up our counters.  They have become a standard appliance in today’s kitchens.


Topics: Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Kitchen Design, Custom Kitchen Remodel

Bathroom Sinks 101- Choose the Right One for your Custom Remodel

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Aug 5, 2015 4:00:00 PM

brakur_vessel_sinkWhen it comes to choosing a bathroom sink for your Chicagoland custom remodel you might be surprised at all the options you have to choose from.  While not every sink will work for every bathroom remodel, there are a lot of factors that come into play when choosing the right bathroom sink. Homeowners need to consider space, style, and function when choosing the right bathroom sink.  It’s important to get familiar with what is available.  There is nothing worse than finishing that bathroom remodel to discover something that might have worked better or you wish you had known about.


Topics: Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Custom Remodel, Chicagolad Custom Bathroom Remodel, Bathroom Sinks

Is there a Difference Between a Kitchen Designer and Interior Designer?

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Aug 4, 2015 6:00:00 PM

Brakur_kitchen_designerIt’s not uncommon for homeowners to wonder what the difference between a kitchen designer and interior designer is.  There is some overlap and some of the things they do are similar.  But YES! There is a difference. 


Topics: Countertops, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Kitchen Design Consultation, Kitchen Design, Kitchen Designer

Concrete Countertops: What Every Homeowner Should Know

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jul 31, 2015 2:00:00 PM

Brakur_Concrete_countertopsIf you have been looking on Pinterest or looking in magazines you have probably noticed more homeowners are branching out and using different countertop materials such concrete. Concrete countertops have come a long ways in the past few years, but are not for everyone. They typically work best in an industrial style kitchen.  They are sturdy, beautiful and adaptable.  They are a great way to give your kitchen a unique look and easy to personalize. But! Before choosing concrete countertops over a natural stone there are some things to consider.


Topics: Chicagoland Custom Kitchen, Countertop Materials, Concrete Countertops, Home Renovation Illinois

How to Use and Care for Your Custom Outdoor Kitchen

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Jul 30, 2015 1:30:00 PM

Brakur_Care_and_Use_Outdoor_CabinetsAs outdoor kitchens are becoming the hottest trend we have seen in a while, it seems like almost everyone wants one.  When you finally get that new custom outdoor kitchen you will want to make sure you keep its original look. 


Topics: Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Outdoor Custom Kitchens, Care and Cleaning of Outdoor Kitchens

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Located in Shorewood, Il, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Inc. has been providing high quality locally manufactured cabinetry since 1965. Brakur is the largest manufacturer of custom cabinetry in Northern Illinois with a 100,000 plus square foot, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and more than 80 employees.

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