How To Pick the Right Bathroom Faucet for Your Custom Remodel

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Oct 8, 2015 1:00:00 PM

brakur_bathroom_faucetBathroom faucets come in a variety of shapes, sizes, styles, and finishes. You also have those that align with water conservation.  It can easily become overwhelming when trying to decide.  Do you want a one handle or two handle faucet?  Do you want a built in soap pump that matches?  One of the biggest things to take into consideration is not only will it look great, but will it meet the needs of your changing household.  You want a bathroom faucet that will enhance the style and design of your bathroom as well as one that has universal design. 


Topics: Custom Bathroom Remodel, Custom Cabinetry, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Bathroom Sinks, Bathroom Faucet

Are Slate Appliances Replacing Stainless Steel?

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Oct 2, 2015 4:00:00 PM

brakur_slate_appliancesThe popularity of stainless steel appliances has remained a trend for the past ten years.  While other finishes have come along it hasn’t been until recently that slate appliances appear to be changing that trend.


Topics: Appliances, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Custom Chicagloand kitchen remodel

Custom Kitchen Updates for Less

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Sep 25, 2015 1:30:00 PM

brakur_custom_kitchen_updatesThe kitchen is one of the hardest working rooms in the home.  It also takes a lot of abuse.  If you have been living in your home a while you may be feeling like you want to update your kitchen.  However either due to budget or the fact that your cabinets are still in really good condition you are having a hard time justifying a full kitchen remodel. There are some less expensive things you can do to help you feel like you have a new kitchen that won’t break the bank.    


Topics: Countertops, Kitchen Style, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Chicagoland Custom Cabinets

Does My Kitchen Style Need to Match my Exterior Home Style?

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Sep 23, 2015 4:00:00 PM

brakur_home_exteriorMany homeowners wonder how important is it that the interior style and kitchen match the exterior style of the home.  While there is no easy answer to this question there are some things you will want to consider.  

Some realtors will say yes your interior definitely should reflect your exterior home style.  While others may not think it matters as much. The biggest thing is making sure there is some continuity and that you use styles that are not too drastically different from one another.


Topics: Chicagoland Kitchen Remodel, Kitchen Style, Exterior Home Style, Realtor's Advice Chicago Area

Custom Kitchen Design Tips to Enhance your Entertaining

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Sep 18, 2015 2:00:00 PM

brakur_entertaining_in_kitchenMany people today use kitchens not only to cook in, but they have become a part of our entertaining space.  If you are a homeowner who loves to entertain then you will want to include certain features in you kitchen layout that will allow you to interact with your guests.  You can still be a part of the action and not miss out on the fun!  


Topics: Tips and Advice, Custom Cabinetry, Chicagoland Custom Kitchen, Kitchen Entertaining

Outdoor Kitchen Ideas to Keep Your Food Cold and Safe

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Sep 16, 2015 4:00:00 PM

Brakur_Food_Storage_Outdoor_KitchensWith the rise in outdoor kitchens we are seeing many households taking the food outside, especially in the summer months when the temperatures are warm. With that come foods such as potato salads that are made with mayonnaise or meats that we cook on the grill. Many of the different dishes can spoil easily and the last thing we want is to make our friends and family sick. Not to mention those pesky flies and critters we want to keep away. There are a few things you can include in your outdoor kitchen design that will keep your food both safe to eat and cold.


Topics: Chicago Area, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, NatureKast, Outdoor Kitchen, Food Storage

Adding a Spice Kitchen to Your Custom Chicagoland Home

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Sep 14, 2015 2:00:00 PM

brakur_spice_kitchenIf you have been watching any HGTV lately you just might be familiar with a spice of kitchen.  There may be others of you who may be a little perplexed and wondering what is a spice kitchen? It sounds intriguing and after you learn what a spice kitchen is you may just decide to add one to your home.


Topics: Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Chicagoland Custom Kitchen, Chicagoland Custom Home, Spice Kitchen

Is It Time to Remodel Your Bathroom?

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Sep 4, 2015 12:30:00 PM

brakur_outdated_bathroomSometimes we sit and think about a home renovation projects, but really have a hard time deciding if we should or should not do it.  When it comes to a bathroom remodel there are times it is necessary to remodel for the safety and health of your family and other times you just need an update.  If you are not sure if it is time for a bathroom remodel ask yourself the following 5 questions.


Topics: Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Custom Chicagoland Bathroom, Home Improvement Projects, Bathroom Storage Solutions

Creative and Bold Kitchen Backsplash Ideas for Your Custom Kitchen

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Sep 2, 2015 4:30:00 PM

Brakur_creative_backsplashIt’s easy to get in a rut and go with the standard tile for kitchen backsplash.  If you are looking for something more than just your standard tile you have a host of options if you are feeling adventurous and creative.  With the right skilled laborer you can make your kitchen backsplash out of just about anything.  Consider using unexpected materials, keeping in mind the overall look and budget of your kitchen. 


Topics: Tips and Advice, Custom Kitchen, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Backsplash Materials, Backsplash Ideas

How Long Should I Plan for my Custom Chicagoland Kitchen Remodel?

Posted by Brakur Custom Cabinetry

Sep 1, 2015 2:30:00 PM

Brakur_Remodel_timelineWhen it comes to determining how much time it will take to do your Chicagoland kitchen remodel we can’t give you exact times but give you an idea of how long it should take.  A lot of it will be determined by how involved your remodel is.  If you are using the same existing space it will take a lot less time than if you are moving walls and changing the layout.  


Topics: Chicagoland Kitchen Remodel, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Chicagoland Custom Kitchen, Time Frame Kitchen Remodel

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Located in Shorewood, Il, Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Inc. has been providing high quality locally manufactured cabinetry since 1965. Brakur is the largest manufacturer of custom cabinetry in Northern Illinois with a 100,000 plus square foot, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and more than 80 employees.

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